Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Symphony Orchestras Disappearing?

But after 30 years' close observation of orchestral ups and downs and half a century after the Arts Council pronounced that London needed just one super-orchestra, I have reached the irreversible conclusion that the symphony orchestra will always survive — not on the weary old argument that it is somehow "good for you" to listen to "good music", nor on any cod theories that classical music breeds clever kids and better citizens, but simply because there is a cogent human need for what an orchestra adds to the relief of city life. That need becomes ever clearer as the world speeds up

Music has been one of the omnipresent factors in society.  I may be opinionated by my status as a trumpet player, but I, for one, think that a society without music is a society without culture.  It disappoints me that people today would rather watch men run into each other while fighting over a leather ball than listen to music that actually stimulates the brain.  Maybe Katy Perry is the new hip thing, but try going to an orchestra concert and really listen.  "Fame is a fickle food", but legends last indefinitely.

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